What’s New in Botree SFA: Beat Locking, Email-based OTP Verification, Route Summary Report, FOC Management, and More


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We are thrilled to unveil our latest feature enhancements for Botree SFA that address critical challenges, elevate performance, and enhance the user experience. Each feature introduced in this release is designed to not only resolve existing pain points but also empower you with new capabilities that will drive efficiency, accuracy, and growth. 

Let’s dive into the exciting new updates. 

1. Optimised Beat Coverage and Efficiency with Beat Locking 

Our latest release introduces a transformative solution: beat locking. This feature is built to enhance beat-wise efficiency and promote more comprehensive outlet visitation.


With the implementation of Beat Locking, the process involves: 

I. Sequential Outlet Visits: Users must complete all assigned outlet visits within a specific beat for the day before moving on to the next beat. 

II. Ensured Coverage: The enforced sequence guarantees that no outlet is overlooked, ensuring comprehensive coverage of all designated outlets. 

III. Systematic Approach: Beat Locking fosters a disciplined and organised approach to field operations, enhancing overall efficiency. 

IV. Accountability: In the case of incomplete visits, users are required to provide a valid reason the next day, ensuring accountability for pending tasks. 

V. Prompt Resolution: Pending visits from the previous day’s beat are promptly addressed, maintaining the integrity of the field visit cycle.  

Botree SFA Beat selection

By enforcing comprehensive beat coverage, the Beat Locking feature enhances overall operational efficiency, elevates beat-wise productivity, and increases resource utilisation. With disciplined outlet visitation, field teams optimise time and efforts for increased productivity, boosting customer interactions. 


2. Strengthened Security and Cost-Efficiency via Email-based OTP Verification     

We’ve revamped the authentication mechanism by implementing OTP delivery through email, ensuring a secure and cost-effective solution. In the latest version, when a user logs in for the first time, the OTP required for authentication is sent directly to their registered email address. 

This enhancement brings forth a dual advantage. Firstly, by transitioning to email-based OTP delivery, we substantially reduced the high SMS charges associated with OTP authentication. Secondly, email-based verification enhances verification’s integrity and adds an extra layer of security, mitigating the risks associated with SMS-based OTPs and potential vulnerabilities. 


3. Insightful Route Management with Route Summary KPI Report 

Supervisors now have the capability to access route summary information, including crucial KPIs. This new capability provides supervisors with a wealth of insights into various aspects of route performance, cultivating a deeper understanding of their field sales activities. 

Supervisors now have visibility into critical KPIs that provide a comprehensive overview of route performance. These KPIs include: 

I. Total Bills Cut: This presents an average of the last three visits. 

II. Average Lines Cut: Total lines cut for the last three visits 

III. Average Bill Value: Total bill value for the last three visits 

IV. Turnover: Average bill value of the last three visits 

KPI report

With this holistic view of insights, supervisors can critically evaluate route performance, identify trends, and tailor strategies to enhance overall efficiency and productivity. This feature equips supervisors with the data-driven insights they need to make impactful decisions, optimise route planning, and elevate the performance of their field sales. 


4. Seamless FOC Management for Improved Customer Relations 

DSRs (Direct Sales Representatives) can now seamlessly include FOC (Free of Charge) products during the order booking process, fostering stronger customer relationships. To unlock this feature, DSRs are required to initiate an order for at least one saleable SKU before incorporating FOC products. 

The order summary computes the bill amount only for the saleable SKUs, while FOC products are charged at zero cost. This refined process ensures accurate financial transactions and eliminates any ambiguity about billing for FOC products. 

Order summary

Additionally, the Botree SFA Web platform keeps track of the quantity of FOC items assigned to each order, and this information is available in the comprehensive order report. This detailed view allows businesses to easily maintain a transparent record of FOC allocations, promoting accountability and accuracy, significantly reduces administrative complexities.    


5. Streamlined Product Visibility with Colour-Coded Tagging 

With the implementation of a smart colour-coded system, users will transform how they use the order booking screen. Each product category is now assigned a distinct and easily recognisable colour code. This setup is configured in the backend, ensuring users can quickly and accurately identify product types when placing orders. 

Additionally, using the Botree SFA web portal, businesses can set up product priority preferences. This ensures that important products, like those in promotions or special offers, appear at the top of the list. Other products follow in order of priority. 

In essence, this colour-coded system adds clarity and simplicity to ordering. It helps users easily navigate through product categories, make informed decisions, and ultimately contribute to a more seamless and productive order management workflow. 


6. Efficient Market Visit Tracking for Enhanced Outlet Coverage 

The newly introduced progress bar on the market visit screen empowers supervisors by providing real-time insights into the number of outlets covered during their field visits. 

Botree SFA Market visit

This feature improves efficiency by offering accurate progress tracking, helping supervisors manage their time better and make informed decisions. It encourages accountability, performance monitoring, and data-driven insights, leading to effective resource allocation and increased productivity. The progress bar transforms how supervisors handle field visits, enabling them to tackle challenges, adapt to changes, and ultimately contribute to the success of their sales operations. 


7. Enhancing Market Visit Data Accuracy 

Supervisors now have the ability to select reasons from a drop-down menu when encountering scenarios like closed outlets, pending orders, or the unavailability of owners during market visits. This enhancement ensures accurate recording of each visit’s status and reasons, providing a comprehensive and authentic reflection of field activities. 

Botree SFA Market visit Remarks

This improves the accuracy of market visit reports, leading to precise analysis and insights. Transparent visit status documentation empowers supervisors to make informed decisions based on accurate data, leading to effective strategies. Ultimately, this upgrade enhances market visit reporting, enabling businesses to optimise sales operations, strengthen customer relations, and drive growth through well-informed actions. 


8. Comprehensive Outlet Insights for Informed Strategies 

Designed to cater to supervisors’ precise needs by introducing the Outlet Summary feature, this enhancement is seamlessly integrated into the market visit module. The Outlet Summary provides supervisors with easy access to important insights into each outlet. This includes KPIs like the average sales over the past three months, the latest visit date, and the date of the last order placed by the outlet. This feature offers supervisors a quick and comprehensive view to make informed decisions, strategize effectively, and create targeted strategies to boost sales and improve outlet efficiency. 

Transform your Field Sales operations

In conclusion, the latest Botree SFA presents a range of transformative features tailored for businesses aiming to redefine their field sales operations. From efficient market visit tracking and accurate outlet insights to enhanced product clarity and streamlined beat coverage, these updates are strategically designed to significantly boost your field sales operations. 

Ready to experience the future of field sales operations? Schedule a demo now and discover how Botree SFA can transform your field sales operations. 

About the Author

Meet Nimisha Karanam, our dynamic and creative product marketer. With a degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) and a passion for technology and creativity, Nimisha offers a unique perspective in her role. Beyond work, she enjoys exploring new destinations and cozy cafes, finding inspiration for her creative endeavors.

Nimisha Karnam

Product Marketer


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