8 Ways to Improve Grocery Store Margins and Make them more Profitable.

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8 Ways to Improve Grocery Store Margins and Make Them More Profitable with Inventory Management Share: Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Grocery and FMCG stores stock thousands of SKUs and unpackaged goods and are constantly looking for ways to improve profit margins. They are always trying to find… Continue reading 8 Ways to Improve Grocery Store Margins and Make them more Profitable.

Leveraging Gamification to Motivate Distributor Sales Teams ​

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Leveraging Gamification to Motivate Distributor Sales Teams Share: Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on facebook Share on whatsapp On-ground sale is a big challenge for distributors. Field sales is a time-consuming process that is very difficult to track. Sales teams have to travel vast distances and talk to hundreds of people daily to… Continue reading Leveraging Gamification to Motivate Distributor Sales Teams ​

Driving Visibility for FMCG Companies in Rural Markets

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Driving Visibility and Efficient Distribution for FMCG Companies in Rural Markets Share: Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Rural consumption of FMCG products is growing faster than in the urban sector. Led by increasing incomes and higher aspiration levels the rural market is seeing a higher demand for branded… Continue reading Driving Visibility for FMCG Companies in Rural Markets

Driving In-store Growth with Technology and Data

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Transforming Retail with Sales Force Automation and Data Insights Share: Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Challenges of Brick-and-Mortar Retail Stores Technology has changed the way brands are improving their presence in the store. Companies traditionally relied on teams and processes to ensure brand adherence and improve presence in… Continue reading Driving In-store Growth with Technology and Data

Miyawaki Project Urban Forest – Nammavanam a Botree Software CSR Initiative

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Nammavanam a Botree Software CSR Initiative Share: Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on facebook Share on whatsapp We are pleased to announce our support for the Miyawaki Project Urban Forest Nammavanam by Newgen Nandavanam Charitable Trust in collaboration with CRPF. The urban forest was inaugurated on 8th July 2022 and is a part… Continue reading Miyawaki Project Urban Forest – Nammavanam a Botree Software CSR Initiative

Unlocking the Store’s Potential with Retail Intelligence

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Unlocking the store’s potential with retail intelligence Share: Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Indian Retail is dominated by traditional retailers with close to 12.8 million stores. The extreme fragmentation has made data collation hard and store level intelligence the holy grail of Indian commerce.   A better understanding… Continue reading Unlocking the Store’s Potential with Retail Intelligence